I have recently launched a new website for a company called ARGoMAS Limited Management Systems Consultancy. Featuring a responsive design and a dark colour scheme.
I made the site from scratch using design tools Dreamweaver CC and Fireworks CS6 following several chats on the phone, email exchanges and a face to face meeting with my client.
Demo pages
I then create a couple of demos for the site and allowed my client to choose his preference. Adjusting the design for mobile first css3 media queries up through tablet and then desktop size changes was the next job.
My client was working on their content for the site throughout the design process so I had to adjust several areas of design to accommodate extra text and images.
Once the text and images were added it was time to test the contact form. This form contained several different components such as radio buttons and drop down lists. They had to be validated for correct user entry.
Site launched
Finally I added in title, keywords and description to each page and submitted the site to Google, Bing and the DMOZ directory.
ARGoMAS Ltd is a management systems consultancy specialising in Quality Management, Environmental and Health and Safety systems. They also provide business management system development from initial design through to certification for Internationally recognised standards ISO9001, ISO14001 & OHSAS18001.
Here is the website Click Here to view.